A Dose for the Court?
On Your Mark, Get Set, Blog!

Gerry Spence and the Trial Lawyers College

I was doing some editing when I realized that I had come down a bit hard on Gerry Spence.  And I feel bad about that.  He and the people at the Trial Lawyers College deserved better.

During my first year in law school I e-mailed Gerry Spence with a problem.  He had some excellent videotapes entitled "How to Win in Opening Statement" and "How to Win in Cross Examination."  They were expensive; there was no way I could afford them.  So I e-mailed him, asking for a discount.

Spence didn't know me from Adam, yet he personally answered my e-mail, which he then forwarded to his assistant.  Within one week I had a set of his videos - at cost.  They even allowed me to pay for them in installments.

Also, while in law school, I really wanted to attend one of his Trial Lawyers College Regional Seminars.  These are expensive by any measure; for me, paying was impossible.  Yet Joane Garcia-Colson, the director of TLC, allowed me to pay for the seminar over one year's time.  They even let me attend the Advanced Regional Seminar, even though this was open only to lawyers, on a similar installment plan.

So while Spence, like any mortal, has a fatal flaw, he's also a deeply caring person.  When I first sent him an e-mail, asking him for something, he could have ignored me.  And why not?  He's Gerry Spence: who the hell was I to ask him for anything?  Yet he personally granted my (rather presumptuous) request.

My experience with the the TLC staff has also been very positive. They've always been caring and accommodating.  Even though many of them are accomplished (having set many record verdicts) they've always taken the time to nurture and support me. 

If anyone was thinking about attending a seminar, but was unsure what to expect, I'll tell you what to expect - very genuine, well-meaning, and talented people who will do everything possible to ensure your success.

So take a look around at Trial Lawyers College website.  Their courses (and these videos) are pricey.  But they're worth it.  And if you're nice, they'll put you on a payment plan so that you can afford to attend.
