Doe v. Gonzales: Disclosure under the Stored Communications Act
May 27, 2006
I would like to thank Mike for allowing me to post
§ 2709(a) of the Stored Communications Act (SCA)
imposes a duty upon wire and electronic communication providers to comply with
FBI requests for "subscriber information and toll billing records
information, or electronic communication transactional records." As
outlined in 2709(b), the subscriber requests are written requests in the form of a National
Security Letter (NSL).
At the time of Ashcroft and Gonzales, § 2709(c) of the SCA simply stated that:
“No wire or electronic communication service provider,
or officer, employee, or agent thereof, shall disclose to any person that the
Federal Bureau of Investigation has sought or obtained access to information or
records under this section.”
Doe v. Ashcroft involved an internet service provider (ISP) that
received a NSL requesting information on a subscriber. The plaintiff was notified
of the nondisclosure requirement. The plaintiff was also told that he or she
could not inform “any person” that access to the information was sought or obtained. The plaintiff challenged 2709(c) on First Amendment grounds.
The District Court held that that 2709(c) violates the First Amendment because
it was a content-based prior restraint on speech that
was not sufficiently narrowly tailored to achieve a compelling governmental
In Doe v. Gonzales, a broadly
worded NSL was sent to a library employee in charge of patron records. The
plaintiff filed a complaint which argued that by prohibiting him or her from
disclosing their identity as a recipient was a prohibition on constitutionally protected
speech. The plaintiff asked for a preliminary injunction against enforcement of
the gag order. The court granted the injunction; it found that: 1) the plaintiff showed irreparable harm (derived from suppression of speech) and 2) plaintiff's suit was likely to succeed on the merits (i.e., the statute was
likely to be content-based, prior-restraint that violated plaintiff's First Amendment rights).
Significant amendments were made to § 2709 on
now requires recipients of NSLs to be notified of the nondisclosure
requirement. 2709(c)(3) requires NSL recipients to notify other parties
assisting in compliance, including attorneys, of
the nondisclosure requirements. 2709(c)(4) requires anyone making a disclosure under 2709(c) to identify the target of the disclosure to the FBI director or other
authorized personnel before the disclosure is made.
New statutes were also created and others were modified to enhance 2709(c). 18 U.S.C § 3511 now provides a mechanism for judicial review of NSLs, including requests under 2709(b). 18 USC 1510 was modified to impose penalties for disclosure in some situations. 1510(e) provides that anyone who has been notified of the nondisclosure requirements of 2709(c)(1) and "knowingly and with the intent to obstruct an investigation or judicial proceeding violates such prohibitions or requirements applicable by law to such person shall be imprisoned for not more than five years, fined under this title, or both."
These changes were significant enough for the Second Circuit Court of Appeals to vacate and remand the First Amendment portion of Ashcroft to the District Court. Gonzales was dismissed as moot. In the near future, I hope to dig deeper and examine how the District Court might view the First Amendment challenge in Ashcroft in light of the aforementioned statutory changes.